Fences Make the Best Neighbors



Laguna Beach is still one of the prettiest places to live in Southern California.  When I moved here 35 years ago, the attraction was the virtual anonymity of South Laguna and the small town environment. A small town where people were polite and cared about their neighbors.  Gone are those days forever. It can now be considered what some may describe as Sardine City, inundated with nonstop traffic, noise, beach goers who change their clothes in the street leaving their trash behind them and others who have drifted in from surrounding areas bringing with them their rude and arrogant attitudes.


As we all know, Laguna Beach is notorious for neighbors bickering over property lines, heights of bushes and trees and a myriad of petty issues they deem important but is petty to most of the world.


My issue is properties that are in a state of disrepair with the property owners refusing to paint their dwellings or to perform any outside cosmetic improvements. Do not these properties affect the immediate neighborhood property values? This seems to me more important than people arguing over heights of bushes and fences and perhaps one hour of sunlight on a tree.


My undying theory is that fences make the best neighbors especially if any one in this city has been unlucky enough to have nasty and petty neighbors.  Unfortunately the prevalent behavior of many has been to react to any situation in a fit of violence.  If there were fences between properties, even if they did obstruct a few feet of a view, people would be forced into minding their own business.


Who does not agree with me that fences make the best neighbors?


Maria Mitchell, Laguna Beach



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