Gay Vibe Still Thrives



Laguna’s internationally listed gay friendly parties at West Street Beach, Boom Boom Room and Main St. Cabaret on Sunday, June 25, were a huge success with crowds outside the Coast Inn at 6 p.m. exceeding crowds inside the “Boom.”

Thanks to the work of many and the graphic, bright colored umbrella posters created by Bill Atkins, hundreds of L.G.B.T. people showed up and began what a newly formed committee and the city council believes could be a future filled with more gay visitors and good energy. has a LGBT title listed under its menu and provided information about the three locations for the June 25 festivities. Police Chief Laura Farinella provided discreet police officers, who walked the festivity areas and provided a sense of safety in these days when big gatherings are under possible threats.

Colorful balloons and bright gay flags were seen here and there and attendance proved that the gays have not disappeared, as some believe, but instead find Laguna Beach an important destination as they travel and spend their free time.

Laguna has been a destination for gays for decades and the success of the June 25 gatherings should encourage all to continue to develop plans to expand our services for L.G.B.T. people from around the world.

Roger Carter, Laguna Beach

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