Laguna Does Not Survive on Tourists



I read John Thomas’s commentary in May 22 edition of the Coastline Pilot, “Laguna Does not Survive on Tourists” (his response to David Hansen’s column 5/15), which raises the issue of whether we, the residents of Laguna, are subsidizing the tourists that visit Laguna and if that’s why there is no money in the city budget for some of the things the residents would like to see.

John Thomas’s commentary begs the question: What can the city do to correct this situation so that the visitors will start paying the city their fair share of the costs they create? Just encouraging businesses that will generate a little more sales tax will never get us caught up. The solutions need to be far more dynamic.

Charlotte Masarik, Laguna Beach

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  1. “John Thomas’s commentary begs the question: What can the city do to correct this situation so that the visitors will start paying the city their fair share of the costs they create? ”

    Well, Charlotte, here is what YOU should do, if your concerns are real, and not just talking about.

    We have just elected last November a NEW City Council, and they have this one way meeting, where people are allowed to state what they feel is important, and the MORONS reply ONLY if it is a compliment. If you criticize the leaders we have elected who have NO ETHICS, they stay silent, to make you wonder if they are that stupid, instead of opening their LYING, only care about themselves, mouths and prove they are STUPID BIGOTS!

    What a sick MORON Little Robby is; has to LIE about an HONEST citizen AFTER he had left the building. MORONS like ROB don’t even have the juevos to LIE to your face!

    Secondly, a City Budget is a MORAL statement for what that community thinks is important. Personally, I would spend MORE on our less fortunate citizens, and the homeless population that inhabits Laguna Beach. But, that’s me, and NOT the MORONS running Laguna Beach.

    Regarding the trolley, I DO understand their motives; and for once, I think they are GOOD. The city encourages tourism, ad these FREE rides bring in tourists, along with helping alleviate Laguna Beach’s parking problems.
    So times, the Public spends money to encourage their local industry, which in Laguna Beach tourism is the famous, if not
    the biggest grossing industry we have in Launa Beach.

    Think of the trolley as a very small town
    Anaheim Stadium, except the trolley does not cost tax payer bonds!


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