Letter: Fourth of July in Laguna


If you wandered the neighborhoods you probably saw painted faces, ice cream, watermelon, decorated bicycles and family BBQ’s all over Laguna. If you saw Main Beach, it was covered in colorful umbrellas. If you saw one of the many fireworks from Laguna, you enjoyed access to the spectacular shows.

Just like Laguna, when he was president, Obama celebrated Fourth of July by hosting military families for a BBQ, concert and fireworks on the South Lawn. In contrast, Trump held a taxpayer-financed political rally for GOP donors and political appointees. The National Park Service diverted $2.5 million of its entrance fee collections marked for improvements at parks nationwide to fund the “show.” Trump donors get VIP tickets. How is this symbolic of what this country wants?

Fourth of July is one of the greatest citywide supported holidays of Laguna Beach—it says, and I say, thank you to those who serve and have served. I am proud only of the America that is the “keeper of the flame of liberty. Lady Liberty holds it high for the world to see, a beacon of hope, a light unto the nations.”

Stay safe, Laguna. Protect hope. Stay woke.

Carrie Reynolds, Laguna Beach

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  1. You’re kidding, right? Obama did more to destroy America than any President in recent history. He decimated our military. President Trump has shown more patriotism and support for America in his first 30 months than Obama did in 8 years.

    Stay woke? You and the 28 year old bartender now making a fool of herself in Congress? Maybe it’s time for a nap.

  2. A story: In high school, she won 2nd place at the intel International Science and Engineering Fair. In a show for her efforts MIT Lincoln Laboratory named a small asteroid after her; She attended Boston University where she had a Fellowship. During college, she interned in the immigration office for US Senator Ted Kennedy. She graduated cum laude from Boston University with TWO majors, international relations and economics. Before you attack AOC, make sure you are on her level.

    Re the military: Look up the words sequestered and post 9-11 wartime….while you are doing your homework look up the US DEFICIT spending. Have a nice day. Wake up.


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