Letter: Laguna Public Recreation Facilities Conservancy Announce Endorsements


Laguna Public Recreation Facilities Conservancy (LPRFC) is happy to announce our endorsements of Sue Kempf, Mark Orgill and Alex Rounaghi for the Laguna Beach City Council.

Kempf is an incumbent on the city council and has led the effort to create a more pedestrian and user-friendly downtown. Being an athlete herself, she has directed city staff to gather specific ideas to enhance existing recreational facilities. Mark Orgill has extensive experience in project execution consistent with local “charm” and fought against efforts that are incompatible with those principles. He promised to place a high priority on recreational opportunities and look for ideas to enhance the environmental quality of life for residents. Alex Rounaghi stood out as a candidate that understands data-driven policy analysis and will bring a fresh perspective to data-driven long-term planning and policy decisions on more acute issues like homelessness and the effectiveness of expensive outside consultants tasked with various studies.

LPRFC candidate interviews were conducted via in-person meetings, telephone calls, e-mail exchanges, and video replays of candidate forums. Specific ideas that were discussed with all the candidates include acquiring more small neighborhood parks as part of open space acquisition. Locating a skatepark if wanted at the saddle between TOW and Moulton Meadows. Creating pickleball space in N. Laguna. Continue to support the acquisition of parcels for the specific purpose of community gardens including the one in S. Laguna. Consideration of a community swimming pool at St. Catherine’s to relieve current congestion at the HS pool. Most importantly, re-installing a citizen-at-large member to the Irvine Bowl Committee.

The Irvine Bowl exhibit grounds continue to be underutilized during the off-season and resident input is lacking in the selection of cultural events and performance arts that can take advantage of the venue to the benefit of residents. Increased revenues have historically been used to fund the purchase of open space. Main Beach is the prime example. A city-owned property should be run like it is city-owned. We appreciate all the candidates for willing to serve the city. One candidate told us that he will be happy to serve and he will just be happy running his business if not elected. We wish all the candidates continued happiness no matter the outcome.

Our endorsements do not imply any position on the merits of Measure Q.

LPRFC Board of Directors Charlie Anderson, Gene Nalbandian, Byron Nelson, Glenn Parrish, Ray Tang. Advisory Board Members, Cynthia Clotzman, Stacy Ison, Steve Lewis 

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  1. Hey Ray Tang,

    Thanks for providing Laguna just what it needed, another activist and self-appointed king-maker. Thanks for issuing you highly valued endorsements. The residents can now vote in peace lol. I can only imagine how hard the decision must have been? At least in my case, it was easy given you’re one of George Weis’s lapdogs. You came to my gallery and bent my ear for 30 minutes. Your questions were obviously skewed towards making sure I didnt make the team.

    For the record, I was the candidate that Ray mentions. After answering all of his questions honestly and transparently, I let him know how fortunate I was to be in a win-win situation. If I won, then I would serve my beloved Laguna for another 4 years. If I lost, then I would continue to run the gallery I’ve loved for 30 years. Somehow he twisted it into a negative.

    I sure hope the LPRFC knows what a terrible spokesman it has. Ray Tang is a political predator in athlete’s clothing.


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