Letter: Legalize Jorg Dubin


At the recent City Council meeting, Planning Commissioner Jorg Dubin was reappointed after acknowledging that he was living in a place where it was zoned not permitting housing. A bit odd that a lawmaker need not be in accord with all city laws and regulations. However, City Attorney Phil Kohn assured the City Council that the only legal requirement was to be a resident of Laguna Beach.

Councilmember George Weiss noted that if Dubin would file a conditional use permit with the City Council that it would likely be viewed favorably. I hope this happens and be extended to all citizens in Laguna Beach that have legal non-conforming residences.

The City should create a process where these Lagunans can come out of the shadows and be legalized. To work, they must be assured that they will not be penalized.

The Housing and Human Service Committee has been performing diligent work on the serious problem of needing low-cost housing. I do not support their efforts to facilitate large buildings to be built.

Better ideas to focus on are:

Coast Highway second story, 50% residential housing restriction should be eliminated

Auxiliary Dwelling Units

Junior Auxiliary Dwelling Units

Promoting ways for aging in place

Allowing homeowners to rent a room

Legalize existing legal non-conforming housing units

Let Dubin be the first and the model to legalize an existing legal non-conforming housing unit.

Yours truly,

Gene Felder, Laguna Beach

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  1. Thank you, Gene Felder for this report on Jorge Dubin. This scandal is reminiscent of former Planning Commissioner Roger McErlane that had unpermitted construction built on his property. Scandal after scandal appears to continue with perceived favorable bias at city hall.
    Shame on residents who pay to employ a City Attorney that fails to assure full compliance with Municipal Code for city officials. Shame on our City Council who appear unwilling to assure that those who serve on commissions & committees remain in compliance with city ordinances.
    Likely the reason that Jorg Dubin applied for Planning Commission to gain favor to obtain a CUP for his residence!


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