Misdirected Criticism?



Local resident and attorney-about-town Gene Gratz took me to task in last week’s paper (“No Place for Partisanship,” Letters, Aug. 24) for using what he described as the “crude political tool” of “guilt by association” when I criticized Dicterow for aligning himself with right-wing mouth breather Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, based on the fact that Dicterow recently sought and accepted Rohrabacher’s political endorsement and made Rohrabacher the featured guest at his campaign launch party.

First, let me state that I couldn’t agree more with Mr. Gratz’ characterization of Rohrabacher as a “first class jerk” along with all of the other pejoratives Gratz used to describe Rohrabacher in his letter.  But, haranguing me for my exercise of “guilt by association” in this matter is absolutely silly!  The sole and obvious purpose of Dicterow seeking and accepting the endorsement of “first class jerk” Rohrbacher is to confer a measure of Rohrabacher’s political horsepower onto himself.

So, Mr. Gratz may not like me putting Dicterow in Rohrabacher’s ignorant and extreme rowboat, but it is Dicterow himself who happily climbed aboard and has gotten himself a bit wet and foul-smelling as a result!

Gratz should be questioning candidate Dicterow’s judgment, not mine.  After all, I’m not the one who wedded himself to a “first class jerk” as a way to get ahead.


James Dorf, Laguna Beach


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  1. “So, Mr. Gratz may not like me putting Dicterow in Rohrabacher’s ignorant and extreme rowboat, but it is Dicterow himself who happily climbed aboard and has gotten himself a bit wet and foul-smelling as a result!”

    I agree 100% with James.

    It’s so obvious that “BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER”, and what that means is that people look for and camp out with those that share their same morals and ethics.

    In Laguna Beach, ‘BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER” is the prevalent theme that runs through our PATHETIC and IMMORAL City Government. Another theme is that the lack of ethics and character DO trickle down from our City Council, to our corrupt and Unethical Police Department under Chief Paul Workman, who seems to thinks Laguna Beach is in VATICAN CITY, rather than the United States of America!


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