Ode to Cars



In ’64 few cars drove after five but then one could on asphalt be and survive.

Fifty years since whizzing cars took oak arbors stripping highway’s center divider.

We’ll never catch up before it changes again half- century later no wiser than then.

To be or not, the $64 million question: LetLagunaVote.com determine this one.

Voters forced to endorse 200 parking spaces, really?

Hatched in back city chambers finagling figures ’till silly

For a three-storied monster touting biz-saving space,

Thinking of five-year construction as auto-centered menace

While credit-devouring meters add fees without consensus.

Better trolleys to glide along coasts with bicycles ‘n surfers

Through canyons year ’round, capturing more visitors

What immediately is needed is a vote for logical alternatives

What we residents demand and are ultimately deserving of.

The site proposes paving sans art sparsely planted non-natives to start

A space that will park 25 years debt, its ingress and egress we’ll live to regret.

Yes $65 million for weekends and peaks without toxic report + more if you please!

When spaces are vacant, it’s more than a bet without enough cars we’ll be further in debt.

Laguna residents you decide what you want: Many more trolleys or a car-gathering lot,

A three-story structure $65 million + costs.

Let’s gather at council and give them our thoughts!



Leah Vasquez, Laguna Beach

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