Praise for Iseman’s Responsiveness



And so it begins!  It’s an election year in Laguna Beach and already the mudslinging has started with a few negative letters about Toni Iseman.

One of those articles was about Toni Iseman’s fundraiser, which created parking issues in the same area where Mozambique restaurant patrons create parking issues. So which was it I wonder?

Funny, I walked around that neighborhood that very day and I didn’t see a parking issue near the fundraiser.

And then there was an article about Jon Madison, who throws mud himself, blaming others for the article.  Why don’t we do it different this year? Let’s talk about the good things our candidates have done and or will get done for our future.

Toni Iseman has done the following for me as a citizen; a month before Autism Awareness Month she contacted me to ask if I wanted to speak during the public comment portion of the City Council meeting. She predicted a big crowd due to a skateboarding issue on the agenda that would also hear what I had to say about autism. And boy was she right.

Toni fought for the traffic control at some of our intersections so I am able to drive through downtown with ease on the weekends. On June 1, 2005, I was trying to get into the council chambers to learn what happened to be property in Bluebird Canyon. Toni called out my name and held my hand and told me the fate of my property. Toni fought for free trolleys and free local buses during the summer so I could walk to the farmer’s market and ride the bus home with all my produce this summer. I didn’t have to worry about where to park.

Every time I’ve ever emailed the City Council with a concern Toni has responded; no one else has ever responded.

I heard it first from Toni about removing the utility poles in the canyon to make room for a safer bike and pedestrian path.  I could go on and on, but I know who fights for me as a citizen.

I’m writing this as a citizen. No one or any groups asked me to write this letter!

Liza I. Stewart, Laguna Beach

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