Thrilled to Support Zur Schmiede




I’m writing about Rob Zur Schmiede who is running for City Council.

Rob and I served for five years on the city’s Design Review Task Force. Our task was to determine the causes of all the contentiousness surrounding the Design Review Board process at that time, and to recommend ways to rectify the situation. It was a long, arduous, and I’m happy to say, quite successful process, with council adopting 29 of our 30 recommendations. During those many hours of committee and community meetings, I had lots of opportunity to observe Rob in action.

Based on that, I know what a valuable addition Rob would be to our council. His expertise and experience in running municipalities and dealing with  relevant outside  agencies,  along with his 13 years as a planning commissioner for Laguna Beach, give him unmatched credentials that perfectly suit him for the work of the Laguna Beach City Council. No other candidate can compete on that score.

Just as impressive as Rob’s technical skills, is Rob’s ability to work with people.  He is masterful at promoting cooperation and helping community stakeholders reach necessary compromises. Anyone who knows Rob will back me up in saying that he has a reputation as a thoughtful, measured, non-partisan, fair, yet decisive individual. When Rob offers his thoughts, all sides listen because all sides respect his abilities and appreciate his concerned, balanced style.

We all love Laguna and I am truly thrilled that we have the chance to elect a man of Rob Zur Schmiede’s caliber to our city council. Thank you for letting me share these thoughts with you. And remember to vote!

Please note: Signs around town showing Rob and another candidate on one sign are misleading in making it appear they are running as a slate. They are not.


Marion Jacobs, Laguna Beach

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