Recognizing a Special Gem



What a wonderful surprise to open up the paper and see an article on the Community Learning Center! My family has been a part of this incredible program for over seven years now, and every year I enjoy watching the kids blossom through their unique combination of academics, community service and connection.

Laguna Beach is such a special place to raise children and CLC is just one of the hidden gems that inspire me as a mother. Maybe I’m nuts to volunteer to teach yoga or art to third or fourth graders for the year or offer to bake hundreds of cookies next Wednesday. But, there are so many Laguna parents who are role modeling this type of commitment to service in our community. Whether it’s the playhouse parents who put on the murder mystery, parent coaches that push my kid to try harder and encourage them when they have had a hard game, or the enthusiasm of a group of local dads planning camping trips with their daughters, everywhere I look I see the parent volunteers working really hard to make this town a great place in which to grow up.

Thank you for printing a great piece on one of those special gems in our town.

In the spirit of community,

Laura Sauers, Laguna Beach


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