Routine Visitor Spouts Off About Trees



Well if there are no trees in downtown Laguna Beach, then it will definitely be hot this summer with no shade (unless the store fronts have canopies over the store front windows) and no breeze since the canyon acts as a block to the breeze.

I visit Laguna Beach every two weeks on a Sunday and even the bus depot is changing. They aren’t pulling into the lot any more just curbside pick up. Now with the art festival about to begin, I’ll just stay away from Laguna and the summer crowds. But the reason that I do come to Laguna Beach is the friends I’ve made at Neighborhood Congregational Church, United Church of Christ. I take the OCTA bus from Long Beach to Laguna Beach, but if there is no shade then apparently you don’t need visitors to stroll your streets or unless your storefronts stay open later in the evening to 11 p.m. during the summer when it is cooler.

Try putting in palm trees. Long Beach has plenty of palm trees, but Laguna has eucalyptus trees all over the place that they want to cut down.


Kevin Nutt,

Long Beach

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