She Rises Above ‘Eleven’



Frances Naude, kneeling in the middle, amid her eco-conscious fans. Photo by Barbara McMurray

During a recent high school dance show, junior Frances Naude and her mom, Debbie, were determined to change the backstage culture by discouraging the use of plastic water bottles for ecological considerations.

As part of a service club Frances started this year at school, “Rise Above Plastics,” Frances and Debbie obtained a donation of 60 reusable steel water bottles and gave one to each dancer. Each one was printed with a different message about the downside of plastics, such as “For every 13 plastic bags I don’t use, I save enough petroleum to drive a car one mile,” and “By using just one reusable bottle, I will keep 167 single-use plastic bottles from entering the environment.”)

They then placed three large, portable Brita water filter dispensers on a rack backstage, added ice in the top section so the filtered water would stay cool, and invited all the dancers to help themselves. A flat of Costco water bottles went largely unused.

The kids were excited to make this small change in the way they stay hydrated. 

Frances and her mom would love to see more booster groups and parent helpers follow suit and use less plastic.

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