Sprinkled by Pixie Dust



Self-appointed Wish Faerie Jessica deStefano dispenses good wishes to Deb Conroy on Hospitality Night. Photo by Jim Rue.

Each year when I get home after playing the Christmas Wish Fairy on Hospitality Night I can hardly contain myself.  My heart is so full and my body so tired. I can barely stand on my feet a moment longer. My throat is sore and my voice is gone, but the images of all the magnificent people ( kids as well as adults)  that come to make wishes and let me sprinkle them with fairy dust dance in my head and fill my heart.

This year so many of you wanted more time to make your wishes. I was sure it was because you were taking extra care with your wishes for the world. But then I was surprised when several asked if they could forget about making a wish for the world and have two wishes for themselves. I really could hardly blame them, the economy has been so bad all over, perhaps the world deserves only coal this year!

Then a small boy after taking a long time wishing asked if he could tell me what he had wished for. I leaned my ear closer and he said. “I wish every one in the world could have wings and a scooter.”

Now you can’t beat that!

But if I could give each one of you my wish this year, I’d wish for you – all the love your hearts can hold and all the joy this world can offer.

Thank you for being in my life Laguna, and for the honor of playing a Wish Faerie again this year.


Jessica deStefano, Laguna Beach




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