Vigilance in Wildlands is Paying Dividends



This morning, I was very pleased to see that the surveillance camera is now in place on the Carolyn Wood Knoll.  The camera…plus the LBPD cruiser parked at the end of Alta Laguna appear to have had an impact on after-hour visitation to the Knoll. This morning there were far fewer cigarette butts on and about the area.

While it is way too soon to declare the war on careless smokers over, it is encouraging to see that after-hour visitors were apparently turned away by from the restricted areas by these visible deterrents.

This is not to say that there is no longer a need for regular patrols by police, fire and park personnel on and around the Knoll. Far from it! We are facing another month of high fire danger and probably longer if the drought continues. This must be an all out and relentless campaign to reverse years of irresponsible visitor behavior.

The time, money and effort required to maintain this level of vigilance will be well worth it when compared to what would happen if just one carelessly discarded butts ignites a wildfire. You do not have to think too hard about the consequences of taking the focus off what is a very real threat!

Please continue to do what’s necessary to keep us safe!


Jerry King, Laguna Beach




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