Letter: Why I Support George Weiss


A year or so ago I volunteered with many of my neighbors to help restore one of the open spaces in Bluebird Canyon. The day was Saturday, the sun was out, and we were all working together for the common good.

What was required was a strong back and perhaps a shovel. There was tree planting, watering, lessons for the children that came along, and the requisite dirt under our fingernails. George Weiss was the organizer, and I met him that Saturday. We have been friends ever since.

George is now volunteering to help restore our city government with a run for a seat on our City Council, and just as on that Saturday, I think he deserves our support. He might argue that he’ll go it alone if he has to, but those of us with a conscience should offer a hand. In fact, the bridges and stairways that are now part of that arroyo on Bluebird are apt metaphors for what our city council needs.

If you’re disheartened with the local divisiveness, and if you watched our new members “drive by our abandoned lots” to their private spaces farther up the hill (metaphorically speaking of course), then join George. Because those words that have always identified Laguna: Charming, quaint, pedestrian friendly, socially conscious, are all at risk. And if you love what comes to mind when someone mentions Laguna, or if you recognize the envy on someone’s face when you tell them where you live, then you already know what George is fighting for.

Mace Morse, Bluebird Canyon

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