Drought Forces Goat Furlough


Since little vegetation has grown on hillsides due to the ongoing drought, goats used to thin brush in zones near homes will be moved out of the city to avoid overgrazing and until needed, the city manager’s report says.

Police Memorial Installation Approaches

Loma Terrace, a small street bordering City Hall and the police department, will be closed periodically this week to prepare the site where a memorial sculpture is to be installed.

The installation is scheduled for completion on the first anniversary of Officer Jon Coutchie’s death in September.

 Big Cats Journeys Examined

The San Onofre Parks Foundation is presenting a lecture series on mountain lions at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 20, with a reception at 5:30 p.m.

The foundation’s gallery exhibit on lifeguards in state parks told through photographs and memorabilia will be open through Sept. 30. and is free to the public.

Both are located within Historic Cottage, 225 Avenida Calafia, in San Clemente.

For more information visit: SanOFoundation.org

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