Where Policing Causes Friction



The article by David Vanderveen, “Getting Along” (Oct. 28 edition) was absolutely perfect in addressing the local police situation.

This is a small town and in many ways an intimate community.  The people who live here do so because they love this town and they have a respect for one another that allows all kinds of people to live in harmony.

I have never felt that the police of this town understand its character, nor do they understand and respect the people who live here.

They are petty about many things such as parking within the white lines, feeding a meter on a timely basis, and even walking across Forest Avenue or other streets when you are not in the crosswalk. I have also seen the police harass people enjoying a bottle of wine at sunset on the beach.  I know there are laws against these things, but the laws are there to allow enforcement when the act is generating a problem, not to help the police in collecting fines or as an aid to help them harass people that the police seem to think are beneath them.  As David states if the police viewed their job as helping everyone enjoy this town, instead of ticketing David’s wife they would have helped her load the kids up at the beach and get on her way. This would also have eliminated any blockage of the beach access that they were apparently concerned about.

Meanwhile, I have seen many different police personnel talking on their cell phones while driving or parking in places where citizens would get a ticket. I really think they think they are better than the citizens. By becoming kind and involved in a nice way with the people of this community, I believe they would be happier and would understand what nice people live here.  The police would then once again gain the respect of the community and have a more pleasant job.  Everybody wins.

 Steve Chew, Laguna Beach

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  1. I agree,,, Laguna has changed a great deal, more and more riff-raffs have been relocating to Laguna because the media post, free shelters for the homeless, and a place to beg for money while playing your instruments on the corner. The people who live in Laguna love their town, and respect the laws and beauty of it’s scenery. As for the new comers? This is where the police come in, it’s more difficult for them to filter out the good and the bad. It’s not the ignorance of a persons actions, but the attitude of a locals perspective. A local that’s been in Laguna for a long time,see’s the beauty and tranquility of the town,and keeps it beautiful! verses a new comer brings their attitudes and their inland ways of destruction and disrespect to the community, if only the police were a bit more observant in observing these facts. The real Locals know who they are! and quite frankly stick together in need of hard times,due to flooding, fires,and other disastrous conditions, plus community choices such as ,,, free will to skate in Laguna!,, lol. So,, back to the topic, hopefully the police will get to know their community,by setting a good example themselves in following the laws and regulations! And if not? It’s kinda like the movie Cool hand Luke”. What we’ve got here is” a failure to communicate,, some men you just can’t reach,so you get what we have here last week,which is the way he wants it,well, he gets it!!!!

    Hopefully they’ll take pride not aim?



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