Letter: Bishop Samuelian shined at State of the City address 


I want to thank the Chamber of Commerce for sponsoring the 2024 State of the City address.

The event was well-planned, executed and held in a beautiful setting. My most meaningful takeaway was the convocation by our local Bishop Samuelian of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The Bishop talked about arriving in Laguna as a child with his brother from a neighboring city to a community unknown to them. They were befriended by local neighborhood brothers who allowed them to join their group and discover the fellowship of our great city. His friends shared the wonder of the ocean including surfing. He was so grateful for the inclusion of our community that he stayed in Laguna, got married and had his family here. His four children are now attending our outstanding schools. The Bishop is still friends with his original neighbor, who welcomed him to Laguna.

He concluded his remarks by talking about the upcoming election season and the divisive atmosphere that could occur. He reminded everyone about what Laguna stands for and knew we would continue being the wonderful city that he has come to love.

James Kelly, Laguna Beach

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