Letter: Laguna Beach is Safer As SONGS Continues Decommission


All of Orange County beaches are safer now as Southern California Edison (SCE) continues to decommission the closed San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS).

The transfer of the SONGS spent nuclear fuel from the cooling pools to the passive dry cask storage was safely completed Aug. 7. The spent nuclear fuel is safer now! SCE’s goal is to move the spent nuclear fuel off site as soon as a federal law allows. A federal law must be passed to move spent nuclear fuel off site.

SCE’s Inspection and Maintenance Program approved by the California Coastal Commission July 16 guarantees the canisters will remain ready for safe off site transportation.

Friends of mine in Laguna were afraid to surf in San Clemente because of signs posted on the beach warning of dangerous SCE release of radiated water into our ocean. Independent expert Eric Goldin used science to assure that San Clemente and all surrounding beaches are safe for daily surfing, swimming, or sunning on the beach. Any signs posted are illegal and do not have scientific backing.

I hope Laguna Beach City council will join SCE and all stakeholders to create a strategic plan to move spent nuclear fuel away from SONGS and all of our oceans as soon as possible.

Marni Magda, Laguna Beach

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