OC Go to Fund Senior Mobility Program in Laguna Beach

Laguna Beach residents can support the Susi Q Senior Center by making a donation through Age Well Senior Services.

The Orange County Transportation Authority’s Board of Directors approved an agreement with Laguna Beach to provide OC Go funding to support a senior mobility program.

The funding comes from Measure M, Orange County’s half-cent sales tax for transportation improvements, also known as OC Go. The program’s goal is to help cities design and operate transit programs that meet the needs of seniors.

Laguna Beach has provided senior transportation services through the Susi Q Center for more than 40 years. Last year, the senior center provided approximately 7,000 trips to about 300 residents for purposes including medical appointments, grocery shopping, transportation to the senior center and social recreational trips.

The senior population, along with its transportation demand, continues to grow in Laguna Beach. The OC Go funding will allow for an expansion of the existing transportation services to more senior residents in need.

Since 2011, OC Go has invested more than $23 million in senior mobility programs throughout Orange County, providing about 2.5 million trips.

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