Follow-Up to ‘Diver Rescue’



Re: the picture on the front page in the April 6 issue.


The woman shown on the beach was actually rescued by my son, Ian McErlane.  I know this because he came home that morning with his clothes completely wet up to his neck, somewhat in shock over what had just happened.  He said he was walking the dogs down near Picnic Beach and saw the scuba class in trouble trying to get out in the high surf. He went down to the beach and heard the woman shouting for help, he went in the surf and after several attempts pulled the woman out on to the sand and asked people to call 911. Then he got some others to also help to drag her up to higher ground. That is when the paramedics and lifeguards arrived and took over.  And soon after the picture must have been taken.

He then came home and told me about the event and I could tell he was very shaken by his whole experience.

I thought you should know and also maybe the woman would like to know.

We all feel like he was a hero and are very proud of him.


Roger McErlane, Laguna Beach

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