Letter: Regarding Liberate Laguna


This is Cindy Shopoff from Liberate Laguna (LL). Recently there were several fliers and/or ads that showed an address in Laguna Beach, where Larry Nokes has his law practice. This is not and hasn’t been the address of LL. At formation we had asked to use the address but the building owners declined. A third party vendor recently sent out a mailer for LL with this wrong address on the mailer. We had authorized the mailer but did not authorize the use of the address on Broadway.

We are an independent PAC, we have proper counsel with proper formation documents. Our mailing is in Newport Beach, we know the rules and follow them.

I personally apologize for the inadvertent action by our third party vendor.

We are mainly aligned with Larry’s platform which is why we support him. He is an officer of the law as a lawyer and would not violate any laws, including election laws. The allegations about his integrity are groundless.

Cindy Shopoff, Laguna Beach

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