Steel unseats Rouda to represent coastal O.C. in congress

Orange County Supervisor Michelle Steel speaks at a campaign rally following the March 2020 primary election. Photo by Sarah Hall

Rep. Harley Rouda (D-Laguna Beach) conceded the 48th Congressional District election to Republican Michelle Steel on Tuesday, according to a statement.

The Emerald Bay resident’s concession represents a significant victory for the Republican Party of Orange County, which had sought to reverse Democrats’ sweep of the county’s congressional caucus.

“We did not win this election,” Rouda said in a prepared statement. “And while it isn’t the outcome we had hoped for, it’s never been more important for our leaders to hear the voice of the people, and to accept their judgment. I do.”

When Rouda switched parties in 2018 to run as a Democrat against incumbent Dana Rohrabacher, it was the first time he campaigned for political office. After a career as a business attorney and real estate executive, Rouda said he couldn’t stand by as that nation’s political system tore itself apart.

“Thanks to the incredible energy brought by our thousands of grassroots volunteers, I was proud to be the first Democrat ever to represent California’s 48th Congressional District,” Rouda said. “Serving the people here has been the honor of my life, but the truth is, it’s never been about political parties for me.”

Rouda is popular in Laguna Beach because of his advocacy for climate change solutions and protection of the marine environment from offshore oil drilling. Following the death of George Floyd, Rouda also spoke at a Newport Beach rally, expressing solidarity with victims of excessive use of force by police officers.

However, a large swath of the congressional district remains a stronghold for Republicans and independents who are deeply skeptical of congressional Democrats.

“To the voters of Orange County, thank you for entrusting me to be your representative in Congress,” Steel said in a prepared statement. “In this election, you weren’t simply voting for a person, but also for the idea that the American Dream is alive and well in Orange County. This vote showed that minorities who may look or speak differently than most not only have a place in this Republican Party but can be elected to the United States Congress.”

Her victory earned praise on social media from top Republican officials.

“Congratulations to Michelle Steel on a decisive victory. California’s 48th District finally has a congresswoman who puts her constituents first. I look forward to her tireless work on behalf of Orange County,” Tom Emmer, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee.

Steel’s accession to the House of Representatives will leave a vacancy in the Second District for the Orange County Board of Supervisors. The district includes coastal cities from Newport Beach to Seal Beach.

Steel and her husband Shawn, a Republican National Committee Member, are fierce allies of President Donald Trump. The White House appointed Steel to serve on a national advisory commission on Asian American and Pacific Islander issues.

The Board of Supervisors’ handling of the COVID-19 outbreak has loomed large over the 48th congressional race. Rouda criticized Steel for failing to adopt a countywide mandate to wear masks in public places during the early months of the pandemic.

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