Letter: Stay Healthy for 2021


2020 has been quite a year:  devastating fires (e.g., Silverado Fire), violent protests and a record-breaking heat wave. What about the COVID-19 virus? A bright light shone in November 2020 because Pfizer made a strongly effective vaccine for COVID-19.

Don’t throw away the masks just yet!  If authorized, supplies of the vaccine will be limited.

A virus did not damage my gait, hearing and speech; a drunken driver hit me in 1992. I teach people to not drive drunk. My teaching continues.

Prevent getting and spreading the virus until this vaccine becomes available:

· Celebrate holidays with few people.  Preferably, those you live with.

· Use digital platforms (like Zoom) or postage mail to connect with others.    

· Watch religious services on TV or online.  Gatherings can spread the virus causing illness or death.

· Limit physical interactions with others.  Wear a mask in populated areas and stay 6 feet away from others.

· Avoid heavy drinking.  If intoxicated, you are more likely to behave in ways that promote the spread of the virus and even drive drunk.

Hand washing is your best line of defense.

Lori Martin, Tracy, Calif.

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