Letter: Response to Noring’s Letter about Wyland


I am writing in response to the letter from Ms. Ruth Noring in last week’s issue. My letter the previous week was a respectful invitation to Mr. Wyland, a public figure who actively promotes his art and his philanthropy, to include advocacy regarding climate change on his website and at his Foundation.

I called attention to his “lifetime of ocean-related activities”, community support and education. I called his participation with the USA Olympic Surf Team “admirable.” I have made several efforts to reach Mr. Wyland including in person at his gallery here in town, but have never received a response. I expressed a hope that Mr. Wyland could add his voice to those calling for climate action, pointing out that doing so would fit well with his many other efforts. Ms. Noring did not dispute any facts I set forth regarding the seriousness of global warming.

For Ms. Noring to dismiss my letter as a punishing shakedown is a distraction, It also mischaracterizes the letter’s tone and message. I applaud Ms. Noring’s encouragement to everyone to do what they can to address global warming. I consider that to include encouraging public figures and influencers to endorse carbon pricing as part of the global effort to maintain a livable planet.

Gary Stewart, Laguna Beach

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  1. Global warming is not the issue. Trash is. Also you are bullying him. That’s what it sounds like to me. Charity or who or where he wants to support should be up to him. It’s still a free country.


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