Letter: Comparing Two Columns


I am looking at page 18 of the July 9, 2021 edition of the Indy. Here I see Ann Christoph’s Opinion piece on the left, and Michael Ray’s Opinion piece on the right. Not only is the placement of these articles of interest, but so is their content.

Christoph makes the interesting point that comparing the population of this country in our Founding Fathers’ time with our greatly increased population today. It’s very likely that there is tremendous greatness among today’s citizens. We hail those brilliant and brave founders, but chances are, statistically we are likely to have many of those brilliant and brave folks among us today. So interesting to think about that! So many of us think that it’s useless to try to right today’s wrongs in such an immense arena, whereas the Founders operated within a much smaller, more manageable matrix. She closes with the thought that we all have an opportunity for greatness. 

Meanwhile, to her right, is Michael Ray’s column describing his recent week in Hawaii as a getaway from pandemic boredom. The article is dripping with dropped names and labels, making sure we know how much money he and his cronies have. Deep thoughts? No. Giving me something important to think about? Nope. 

I hail Christoph as one who comes up with interesting and important ideas in each and every column. 

Anita Dobbs, Laguna Beach

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  1. Ms. Dobbs, I couldn’t agree with you more when you state “Meanwhile, to her right, is Michael Ray’s column describing his recent week in Hawaii as a getaway from pandemic boredom. The article is dripping with dropped names and labels, making sure we know how much money he and his cronies have.” In fact, I was dumbfounded by the arrogance and ridiculousness of this column. As an aside: in regards to transparency, I think columnist Ray should be required to add to his column Bio that he is the “Founder of Liberate Laguna PAC/Laguna Forward PAC to his current list of Founder Associations which I do find impressive. Thanks. MJ Abraham, Founder LBCHAT.


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