Letter: Laguna’s Lodestone


Even though we all knew that it was inevitable, when news of Arnold Hanos passing came, it was very distressing.

A “Lodestone is a magnetic stone that has a strong positive-negative polarity. It will attract the good kind of energies, and it will dispel energies that will hurt or cause you to be unstable.”

Arnold has been the lodestone to Laguna for so many years. He attracted many good things and dispelled those negative energies that would hurt Laguna. He inspired an entire generation of activists, me included. His sense of humor kept us all enthralled listening to his sage advice. He will be difficult to replace. Laguna is a much better place to live thanks to his leadership.

I remember the first time I saw Arnold in action during a city council meeting giving them a piece of his mind and sage advice! Let’s take a minute to reflect on his amazing life and how we can continue to carry on the work he loved so much… saving Laguna for posterity.

Armando Baez, Laguna Beach

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