Letter: Regarding Historic Preservation


Thank you for publishing a picture of the Murphy-Smith bungalow on Feb. 4. The Murphy-Smith bungalow is a true gem of Laguna Beach architecture. This bungalow has been the headquarters of the Laguna Beach Historical Society for more than a quarter century. The historical society maintains the building and preserves extensive materials about the history of Laguna Beach.

The Murphy-Smith bungalow is open to the public on Fridays, Saturdays, and soon on Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. Located at 278 Ocean Ave. between Wells Fargo Bank and Whole Foods, it is an inspiring collection of historical archives and is an excellent museum of Laguna Beach history. The bungalow will celebrate its 100th anniversary next year, 1923, before Laguna Beach was incorporated in 1927. Historically Yours,

Edward Storke, President, Laguna Beach Historical Society

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