Letter: The Number of COVID-19 Deaths 


I admit it. I was wrong. Several months ago, I predicted the death toll due to COVID-19 would reach one million people by now. According to last week’s headlines, it is “only” 900,000-plus.

If you are having trouble wrapping your arms around this number, consider these examples:  First, if each death was represented by a single piece of paper, that tower would stand 300 feet in the air. That’s basically as tall as the Statue of Liberty; or second, it is the equivalent of stacking 30 basketball hoops on top of each other at Main Beach.

Because there were no vaccines in 2020, 385,000 moms, dads, grandparents, first responders, doctors, nurses, teachers, gardeners, children and others died from COVID-19. Last year, more than 515,000 died, despite three vaccines being readily available. I have heard some experts claim the unvaccinated amounted to more than half those who passed away from COVID in 2021.

I’m no expert, but I believe COVID-19 vaccinations help prevent severe disease, hospitalizations and death. If this is true, then the sooner people roll up their sleeves and take the jab, the sooner we all can return to our pre-pandemic lives. This includes safely visiting New York City and the Statue of Liberty as well as playing basketball at the beach.

Denny Freidenrich, Laguna Beach

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