Letter: Apolitical Public Library


There is a small children’s “fairy garden” in the front of the library. A letter in the April 1 edition of the Independent complained that the library removed a Ukrainian flag because it was political. The letter asked: “Do you think the library was right?”

Yes. The library was right. Flags are political. Aside from laws forbidding partisan political displays, public libraries have to be neutral in the sense that they serve the entire public. Ours serves an especially wide range of users, from millionaires to homeless people, with books from Dr. Seuss to Aristotle, Marx to Ayn Rand. No matter what Vladimir Putin does, Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoevsky will remain on the shelves.

Sticking one flag there would set a precedent. The children’s fairy garden would soon become the adults’ flag garden, with more and larger flags competing to express their advocates’ political sympathies. BLM, Rainbow, Don’t Tread On Me, Confederate, Union Jack. It would be endlessly contentious and divisive.

Another letter on April 8 made a strong case for solidarity with Ukraine and opposing Russia, but the library is not the venue for Lagunans to publicly express their fervor for a cause. We have a long tradition of flag waving demonstrations beside Coast Highway at Main Beach. That’s more effective.

But keep in mind that wars always start with the perpetrators expecting to enjoy a glorious victory after a short, easy campaign. Followed by years of stasis, an entire generation being slaughtered. War fever is intensified with self-righteous parades and popular events like Putin’s recent pro-war rally before a packed stadium in Moscow. 200,000 cheering, flag-waving Russians. He stood before a huge banner that said “For a world without Nazism.”

The first casualty of war is the truth.

Ukraine doesn’t want a little flag in Laguna’s fairy garden. They want weapons to kill Russians.

War is Hell.

Joel Harrison, Laguna Beach

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