Letter to the Editor: Finally, a City acquisition I can applaud


Finally, a City acquisition I can applaud. Thank you for purchasing St. Catherine’s School property. I realize that Recreation “needs” for a community pool and skate park are already stated. As a South Lagunan living near this property for 15 years, may I also suggest higher priority safety measures?

Foremost, a permanent Police Station must be included in the plans, as South Laguna access is difficult for our police staff (reportedly undermanned at the moment) to support. For several years, traffic, parking violations, loud noise, speeding/racing illegal U-turns, running red lights and stop signs are an everyday occurrence on PCH. Police have done short patrols, but staffing and distance have not allowed any significant difference. (Note: the Canyon and North Laguna have similar issues)

Since South Laguna stoplights and crosswalks are quite a distance apart (with visitors running across PCH), CalTrans should be involved. While the Catholic School was privately owned, CalTrans could not put a light at Cardinal (the school entrance). 

It is a treacherous spot to try to turn into due to speeding cars and poor timing of the Montage Resort and Nyes lights. A stoplight should be installed for safe access, and the lights synchronized. This would also help police with controlling speeding. A stoplight at Aliso Beach would benefit Aliso and help slow traffic for The Ranch. 

I applaud our police chief for delving into stats. I share a few PCH stats. Racing has increased across California (per our Governor), resulting in many deaths, including a tragic one recently at Pearl Street. However, our police (who have had to deal with many new crimes lately) have reduced the number of tickets for speeding and moving violations considerably over four years. 

This is not to put down our police, but to support them. They need more staffing, headquarters at both ends of our City and more signals/crosswalks in South Laguna to help curb the traffic. 

Therefore, I urge Laguna to start implementing these proposed changes prior to opening St. Catherine’s to the public (and to any significant building). Safety first, please.


Joanne Sutch, Laguna Beach

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