Letter: Mancuso a Shining Star


For years Judie Mancuso has been a shining star in her tenacious work to help improve our environment, and on the forefront as an animal rights activist. Her record of passing legislation speaks for itself. Although perhaps some residents aren’t listening or really don’t care. And their lack of insight and compassion is problematic for us all, and those creatures who have no voice and suffer in silence.

Judie’s accomplishments are stellar. Here are the facts:

  1. Do you like dining on the patio with your animal companion? Thank Judie for that.
  2. Do you believe that animal control should be able to rescue animals trapped in sweltering cars? Thank Judie for getting that legislation passed.
  3. Because of Judie, California was the first state to ban commercial and recreational fur trapping. Thanks to Judie.
  4. California has banned the cruel use of parading and exploiting wild animals as circus props. Thanks to Judie.
  5. It is mandated that plant-based meal options are available in California hospitals. Thank you, Judie.
  6. Cosmetics sold in California cannot be tested on animals. Thanks to Judie.
  7. The onerous puppy mills can no longer sell their victims. Dogs, cats and rabbits to pet shops in California. Thank you, Judie.

I am grateful and excited to support Judie Mancuso, and when she is elected, I look forward to all her future accomplishments. What a treasure Judie is to us.

Jahn Levitt, Laguna Beach

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