Letter: Rename Top of the World park after Wilcoxen


Decades ago, congressman Christopher Cox graciously hosted my family while we were visiting the Capitol. I was being sworn into the supreme court bar. His delightful Congressional Aid, Delta, escorted us all over the place, even behind the scenes. This exciting day culminated with a fine dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse. 

A few weeks later, back in Laguna, I learned of the passing of Bill Wilcoxen. I immediately felt a sonic pull to call the congressman. Something just had to be done to memorialize Bill’s fight to save Salt Creek. Perhaps the congressman could help? 

Congressman Cox remembered me from my D.C. visit, took my call and had just three words for me. “What size boulder?”

The next day, Orange County Commissioner Carpenter called and recruited Bill’s widow, me and Lois, to search out the right boulder and precisely where to place it at the entrance to Salt Creek. It was a bittersweet task. Today, this fitting memorial for Bill and his colleague remains in perpetuity.

But kindly excuse this long-winded note since there is more to be done. Your help is respectfully requested. 

This May 2, the Laguna Beach City Council will consider a petition to rename a boutique park at Top of the World, which was preserved by Bill, and to name it in his honor. I can’t think of a gentleman more worthy of such a local honor. Please call your councilmembers and lobby for their vote of approval. 

Ken Denton, Laguna Beach 

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