Letter: Sweetwater Carwash a Laguna Legacy


Billy Fried hit the nail on the head when his enraptured comments spoke to Laguna’s legacy businesses. Scott Thompson’s Sweetwater Carwash is one of the few remaining beauty spots of the real character of our city. Get a clean car and take a walk, grab some nosh at Seahorse or Saigon Beach or Mozambique, pretty soon a sandwich at Wigz! Or just hang and commune with visiting dogs, watch the Koi fish, ask Scott about his gorgeous family and appreciate the funky. Let’s try and keep some realness around here and stop the blandification of more unnecessary construction. There is a here, here.

Martha Chomitz Slater, Laguna Beach

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  1. Great sentiment but it’s too late for that. This iconic building will be demolished and replaced with a 23,000 square-foot three-story project that will take upwards of three years to build. The impact to the businesses in the neighbors is untenable.


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