Letter: Response to Billy Fried’s Oct. 6 opinion piece


In his Oct. 6 guest column, Billy Fried expresses outrage that George Weiss has had the temerity to defend himself against the factually bereft charge that he somehow forced Shohreh Dupuis to retire. Because there are so many inaccuracies in Billy’s column, I’ll just mention a few of his greatest hits. 

Fried confuses Weiss’ legitimate criticism of Dupuis for her “management style” and “financial decisions” that Weiss believes “were seriously flawed” with a personal vendetta against her. He then faults Weiss for providing “no proof” for his criticisms. Apparently, Fried has not been paying attention to council meetings over the last several years, where Weiss has provided abundant evidence.

Fried accuses Weiss of “stealing secrets,” an apparent reference to Weiss’ public disclosure of what the District Attorney later deemed a violation of the state open meetings law—the Brown Act, by a City Council majority. No Billy, it was Dupuis, Mayor Whalen, Mayor Pro Tem Kempf and then-Councilmember Peter Blake who violated the Brown Act, as the DA concluded, and then voted to censure Weiss for disclosing their illegal conduct to the public and DA.l, which he was expressly authorized to do by the Brown Act.

Fried attacks Weiss for accusing council of “concoct[ing]” the “hostile workplace” allegation. Where did Weiss make that accusation? Not in his letter to constituents where Billy claims to have seen it. Perhaps Billy just confused council cynically seizing upon Dupuis’ accusation for their own purposes with originating the accusation themselves.  

Fried claims Dupuis “did everything a city manager could do” this past May 2 when Mo Honarkar and a group of his hired “guards” conducted an armed invasion of two Laguna Beach hotels run by the MOM investment group. What more could Dupuis have done? How about honoring her legal obligation to enforce the criminal laws that she must have known prohibited Honarkar and his gang from trespassing and destroying property at the hotels, which a judge has twice ruled is exactly what the evidence shows they did.

Finally, although Fried asks why Weiss hasn’t requested “the public release of those closed-door [Council] sessions” on Dupuis’ harassment claims, Fried has already been informed that such a request has been under preparation. In fact, it has been submitted to the city.

Jim Grossberg, Laguna Beach

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  1. Jim Grossberg, You are absolutely correct! The City Manager is responsible for enforcing the laws of our City. The police called to both 14 West and Hotel Laguna witnessed felonies being committed and did nothing. They must have had specific orders not to make any arrests of the thugs destroying property. In California criminal trespassing and property destruction valued at more than $400 is a felony. The destruction at either of those two properties was far in excess of that amount which is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to $50,000 fine depending on the amount of damage. And a felony committed while being armed carries an additional one year jail term. Apperently according to court documents Hornarkar was the one who was armed.

    Since the police witnessed the felony in progress why were they not allowed to make arrests? That order could have only come from Dupuis and the Chief of Police. However is was sanctioned by the City Attorney, Mayor Whalen and Mayor pro tem Kempf. All four had the legal documents showing that Hornarkar had no ownership of the properties days before the felonies occurred and yet they allowed Hornarkar illegally occupy the buildings, destroy property, lock guests out of their rooms and steal equipment. Also they had the legal document signed by Mo that his position as administrative manager was an at will position from which he could be dismissed for cause or no cause by the MOM manager and that he was dismissed on March 29 more than a month before the felonies occurred.

    It makes one wonder how Mo has been able to get such favorable treatment at the expense of a complete miscarriage of the law? The multiple after the fact permits for the Hotel Laguna restoration are one thing but allowing a felony to occur lead by Mo and witnessed by the police with no punishment is something that must be investigated. Our Government should not be controlled by wanna be oligarchs as it seems to have been in this case.

    In no way should Whalen be re-elected should he choose to run again IMO. And I also hope voters remember Sue Kemp’s actions in this and other matters in two years. Those two along with the third member of the troika, Blake, gave us Dupuis when there were candidates that had the experience and education that was sorely needed for our city manager.

  2. Such tired comments from the true Laguna Luddite! The future is rolling forward while your bus is going off the cliff! Try contributing something positive instead of constantly complaining about things that are beyond your scope of awareness.

  3. Hey Jim, if George is indeed innocent of the charges, then why hasn’t Mr. transparency himself insisted upon release of the closed door sessions regarding the charges, as opposed to his water carrying lackeys. Haven’t heard A word for from him on this, or the traffic stop that he wiggled out of. And if you are going to be a whistleblower, you don’t take it to a private citizen with a history of suing the city. That’s cowardly.

  4. What I find tiring as well as unnecessary is LB Planning Commissioner Jorg R. Dubin’s sarcasm, labeling and name-calling just about every time he makes public comments to LB stakeholders on City issues. IMO, shocking behavior for someone installed to represent our city in a high-profile capacity.

    One would think Council members appointing residents to commission positions of authority in our City would select qualified individuals with relevant expertise and place a high-level of importance on professionalism and the ability to engage the public in a respectful manner while holding the position.

    Appears there’s still ample time in the current Planning Commissioner term left for Mr. Dubin to improve/temper his public communications while sharing his opinions. Factual information on important community topics would be welcomed too. Hope to see it happen.

  5. MJ, after reading Your post I started to think about the “name calling” and the questionable conduct by Laguna Beach Planning Commissioner Jorg R. Dubin. I took the opportunity to discuss this behavior with a current Planning Commissioner from another city here in Orange County. I have been friends with this Planning Commissioner for many years.

    The Planning Commissioner was astonished that a City Planning Commissioner in Laguna Beach would “ever” address Citizens in insulting or demeaning terms. (I shared posts by Jorg Dubin, printed Letters to the Editor as well as in his INDY sponsored forum) This Commissioner stated that it is 100% inappropriate for a City Planning Commissioner to post these insults directed at City Residents while serving in the capacity of Planning Commissioner.

    “It is not the duty or position of any Planning Commissioner Member to slur, attack or criticize Residents with dissimilar opinions from the His own in the City He or She serves, period.”

    Thanks for bringing this misconduct to light. If Commissioner Dubin would like to continue to offend Citizens of Laguna Beach he should do so as a Private Individual and resign from the Planning Commission.

  6. Luddite: a person opposed to new technology or ways of working.
    “a small-minded Luddite resisting progress”
    I’ll leave it to the good citizens of Laguna Beach to decide to whom it applies to…..Cheers!

  7. Mr. Dubin, how did you really get your job with the city with all the great benefits and in planning of all places, gee…was it to be of benefit to both CC Blake and Dupris the completely incompetent City Manager, which everyone knows Blake got you both installed on your jobs, I think your comments on any of this are a joke and obvious…we all know. go back too what you actually know, art.

  8. MJ,
    Last I looked Jorg Dubin is a resident and citizen who has done more for this city than all of the complainers combined.

    A 40-year working artist and resident, his public works commissions are all over town (and likely outnumber any other artist) including Semper Momento (“Never Forget”), perhaps our city’s most important and prominent piece.

    Furthermore, Jorg has served on the Planning Commission for two and a half terms now (four and a half years), ascending to Chairman because of the solid work he is doing. Jorg takes the gig seriously, and never mixes his personal opinions with city codes. Ask the other commissioners.

    He is exactly the kind of individual the “City would select with relevant expertise who places a high-level of importance on professionalism and the ability to engage the public in a respectful manner while holding the position.”

    But when he responds to opinion pieces and LTE, he has the right to express his opinion, because he is an engaged citizen who cares about the town. And his assertion that you and your ilk are Luddites, seeking to hamper progress in our city, is spot on.

    If he is wrong in his accusations, please correct the record by stating what you have done to improve life in our fair city.

  9. B. Fried – I’m very aware of Planning Commissioner Dubin’s art, residency and board and commission representation. What I was addressing however, is how this appointed city representative chooses to publicly communicate which in my opinion is typically accusatory and disrespectful. Why Mr. Dubin feels the need to “call residents names and label them over community/political differences” is quite concerning. It’s reminiscent of the behavior of our former one term City Council member. Not someone to emulate in my opinion and LB voters obviously agreed. Fact is, I believe all city representatives and staff are to abide by the City Decorum and Civility Policy and any/all municipal employee behavior related guidelines on and off the job. As I said, Commissioner Dubin has time to improve such negative behavior during this term. I hope he will. If not, City Council members should replace him. Thanks.

  10. Thank you Mr. Morgan. I completely agree. No Planning Commissioner I know would ever communicate publicly this way. I worked for a City for years and never witnessed such unprofessional behavior by an elected or appointed representative. Personally, I thought we had seen the end of public figures openly lashing out at stakeholders when voters booted out council member Peter Blake for such abusive public engagement behavior. Guess not? I hope Commissioner Dubin will rethink how he is engaging with citizens and will present his viewpoints/arguments free from name-calling, labeling and sarcasm. I believe he is causing embarrassment to our City and our reputation for professional and respectful governing. Time for the Mayor to send him a copy of the City Decorum and Civility Policy and ask him to abide by it at all times while serving our city. Thanks.

  11. Hey Claude,
    You sure spend a lot of time with that other Planning Commissioner (whose name will remain anonymous) from another (undisclosed) town trying to disparage Jorg Dubin. I agree that that “it is 100% inappropriate for a City Planning Commissioner to post these insults directed at City Residents while serving in the capacity of Planning Commissioner.” That’s why Commissioner Dubin has never insulted a city resident in his capacity as a Planning Commissioner. His decorum in session is indisputable, and that is why his colleagues voted him Chair.

    But in his other capacity as a concerned 40 year resident and engaged private citizen, he has every right to express his opinions about your actions and behavior, just as you do his. Serving the community voluntarily in no way disqualifies him from calling you on your silly histrionics, especially since you have come out of nowhere and are suddenly an authority on all things anti-progress. Sounds like you would feel much better living under the jurisdiction of more antiseptic towns like the one your friend the (phantom) planning commissioner serves.


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