Do These Republicans Share a Common Stance?



In last week’s paper, Michele Hall, president of the Laguna Beach Republicans, as part of her letter endorsing Steve Dicterow for City Council (“GOP HQ Supports Dicterow,” Letters, Aug. 17), wrote that, “as Republicans, we believe in individual freedoms, less government intrusion into our lives and our pocketbooks, and above all the United States.”

Perhaps Ms. Hall can explain to us why marriage equality – the individual freedom to marry the person of your choice – is not an individual freedom that Republicans and, presumably, Ms. Hall, would energetically support. To be fair, I do not know Ms. Hall’s or Mr. Dicterow’s personal positions on this subject, though to some extent if Mr. Dicterow receives and accepts endorsements such as this from the Laguna Beach Republicans, and his recent one from right-wing Rep. Dana Rohrbacher, it is certainly reasonable to assume that his beliefs are not inconsistent with theirs.

The good news is that the Democrats recently added “marriage equality” as an official plank in their party platform. The bad news is that the Republican mantra of supporting individual freedom is just another example of the flag-waving crap Republicans have to tell themselves so they can sleep at night.

James Dorf, Laguna Beach

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  1. ““as Republicans, we believe in individual freedoms, less government intrusion into our lives and our pocketbooks, and above all the United States.”

    Forget the ORWELLIAN Language! I will translate for those who don’t read the news or who live life oblivious to the REAL World!

    Republicans want lower taxes, less or no regulations on complete industries and WOMEN aren’t smart enough to decide for themselves, so telling a woman what to do with her vagina in Not an intrusion.

    Business’s can run wild, but women NEED to be regulated regarding their Vaginas!

    If Republicans say it, think the Opposite!


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