Criticizing Bike-Lane Story



The recent article title “Glenneyre May Shrink to Two Lanes” (Oct. 12 edition) was a bit misleading. A more accurate title would be “Glenneyre May Shrink to Three Lanes.” The plan is one lane in each direction, with a center turn lane.

After contacting the writer, Rita Robinson, I was told that she didn’t choose the title.

The article contained a number of other errors:

Roundabouts to replace crosswalks. Not quite right. Roundabouts would replace the four-way stops at some intersections. Crosswalks would be made wider and more visible.

“A plan to replace one traffic lane in each direction on Glenneyre Street with designated bike lanes.” Not exactly. The proposed plan removes only one car lane, not two. Think Laguna Canyon Road where it’s three lanes, (which handles far more traffic then Glenneyre). And the plan only has one dedicated bike lane, not two.

“Council also green-lighted testing the double traffic and bike lane configuration on Glenneyre.” Again, the plan is to go from four lanes to three, with only one dedicated bike lane. Sharrows would be painted on the downhill traffic lane, where bikers and motorized bikes can more easily maintain traffic speed.

Computer video modeling shows that improving Glenneyre with mini-roundabouts actually improves traffic flow, lowers exhaust fumes, and lowers noise, all while making the street safer.

And, having roundabouts means no traffic tickets for rolling a stop sign. Who wouldn’t want that?

Stop signs could be replaced with yield signs at some roundabouts, so no more jack-rabbit starts or screeching at stops.

Now, I am keenly aware that change, even positive change, isn’t easy for everyone. Even with all of the benefits of Complete Streets, proven in cities as challenging as San Francisco and N.Y. City, I know that there will be some who will be opposed to improving Glenneyre.

Arthur Schopenhauer keenly observed in the 1800s, “All truth passes through three stages: first, it is ridiculed; second, it is violently opposed; and third, it is accepted as self-evident.”

Rather than investing energy into resisting reality, (This is a state law) let’s put our energy into improving Glenneyre to be a triple-win for everyone – better for drivers, bicyclists, and walkers.

True inclusiveness, that’s what makes Laguna the unique village that we all love.


Christopher Prelitz, Laguna Beach


Editor’s Note: Does anyone call Coast Highway a five-lane road?

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