A Déjà vu Or Two




A déjà vu or two.


A shiver I encountered with a déjà vu

of words similar evoked in ‘93 and ‘92

at the recent meeting on restoring views

about our desire to see the ocean blues.

Back then and led by Christoph, Ann

with her side kick, N. Grossman

words like lacing, topping

but nix on chopping

were written as guidelines for our fair land

created dismay on a scale quite grand.

Now again we are faced with such a notion

that will limit precious views of the ocean.

We will continue with pain and emotion

unless this committee listens with devotion

to the pleas for fairness and equity

by those who live in our lovely city

and have ‘til now been a silent majority.


Again we have the whining of some, misinformation from others (many current homeowners had views when they purchased their homes and do not now).  We have learnt over time that what our forefathers have done is/was not always best practice.  Eucalyptus trees are fire hazards. Ask the people in Australia, folks who were here during our big fire, and other parts of California where fires have devastated whole communities. We did not coerce anyone to write the first ordinance, which has created divisiveness and anger for those who tried back then to create equity. Go back and read the poem again.


Ganka Brown, Laguna Beach

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