Black and White and Blue All Over



I was with a group of 20 Laguna Beach residents who are seniors, and I told them of councilmember Steve Dicterow’s plan to change the color of the city’s police cars from blue and white to black and white. One voted in favor and the rest said no.

If Dicterow is trying to identify city vehicles that may visit your home, office, or stop you somewhere in the city of Laguna Beach and harass or “write you up” he forgot the animal control trucks. They give out hundreds of tickets every month. He also forgot the lifeguards who might write you up or call someone to write you up for fishing, playing frisbee on the sand, digging a hole too deep, having too big of an umbrella or breaking other municipal codes. Certainly the city’s building inspectors who cruise around trying to identify age-old units when we need them so bad for young people and seniors trying to exist in Laguna should have black and white cars and don’t forget community development who could write you up for washing your car, having a bright light on at night etc. etc.

Laguna Beach is after all the city of no and city hall is full of quasi-police waiting to disturb and complicate your life. Maybe all of the 130 city vehicles should be black and white.


Roger Carter, Laguna Beach

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