An Appreciation for Column’s Insights



I want to thank you for Susan Velasquez’ column “Wisdom Workout” entitled “Finding Home,” in the Dec. 13 edition. It was so poignant and filled with the pathos of loneliness that it moved me greatly.

How differently we people see and feel things and never think twice about them. The songs of Christmas and the decorations are so joyous to me that I grieved over Susan’s feelings for the exact same things. I grew up in the cold northern New Jersey Ramapo mountains and Susan’s feelings of intensified loneliness from the bitter cold I, too, experienced. However, I had never thought about it until Susan’s identification.

Now I know and that awareness will hopefully heal me of this unnecessary sorrow. This is the beauty of Susan’s insights that they don’t stop with the publishing of The Independent.

But most of all I share the heartache of the random words of Susan’s mother or any mother thinking their outbursts are said in haste and assume they will be forgotten in haste too. They are not and live in our minds oblivious to our common sense. They are our mother’s words and how can they be forgotten, ever?

Her “wisdom” also speaks to the healing process of imagination; Susan’s was living for the romance of her prince coming and she would be his Cinderella in an all girls’ school.

My healer was the reality of music. My mother used to say even one note on the piano would take care of any illness, frustration, or grief. That one note always led to the LP album of Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto and at the end of its playing I was healed and as good as new as my father used to say.

Her other insights of being soul-centered rather that self-centered, entering into a sacred partnership with ourselves, are harder to come by but The Independent is very good at giving us a shot at it through the wisdom of Susan’s “Wisdom Workout.”

Thank you!


Carol Reynolds, Laguna Beach


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