Large Development Will Mar Laguna’s Gateway


I am writing in opposition to the proposed artist live work building in Laguna Canyon. I support the arts and embrace the history of Laguna being an artist’s colony. However, the true village entrance to our beautiful city is Laguna Canyon and the proposed Longi development is a monstrosity at 36 feet high. This building will destroy the rural gateway to our majestic beach community.

The canyon is a very special place that many of us fought long and hard to preserve. This project is not in compliance with the Laguna Canyon Specific Annexation Plan. If allowed to proceed at its proposed scale, this project will set a dangerous precedent for other projects to follow. There are several development projects in the planning stages that follow the large-scale lead of the Longi project, and any one of these would decimate our Canyon and the gateway to our fine city.

We must preserve the true village entrance and not allow dense, obtrusive development in this very special area that is home to wildlife and inspiring viewsheds.

Michelle Kremer, Laguna Beach

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