Comrades, Comrades, Comrades



Ann Christoph wrote last week that the “gardeners” of Laguna Beach were having difficulty finding affordable housing in Laguna Beach. She believes the city government should make “work force housing” a greater priority. She asked that we, the government, “make housing affordable for all members of our community.”

I say that is ridiculous and since her communal philosophy (i.e., communism) has long ago been proven a failure, I will focus on her real premise: rich people, bad; poor people, good.

The rich Airbnb loving landlord asking for rent… bad. The “gardener” having to give up “his” apartment and moving to that horrible cesspool called San Clemente…good.

I fail to understand why our living among rich people in LB somehow makes you and I lesser people. Why do we need to live among the lowly “teachers, artists, tradespeople, and salaried workers” (and I assume you also want to include maids, clerks, and real gardeners) to have a “complete community”?

So what would you label someone living in LB (i.e., rich) and yet finds it a “human tragedy” that you have to live among other rich people? Self-loathing rich people.


Bill Welch, Laguna Beach

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