Laguna Under Siege




Last weeks’ article regarding the School Board’s stance against ballot Measure KK (legalizing two medical marijuana dispensaries in Laguna Beach) failed to mention the greatest problem with the proposed measure. The measure has been carefully drafted to allow license applicants who meet a very specific list of requirements to receive priority review and approval for a license to sell medicinal marijuana in Laguna Beach. The reason that this priority list exists is that it was crafted by the outside interests, who have financed and driven this measure to ensure that they will receive the licenses should Measure KK pass.

Additionally, a licensee under measure KK is essentially exempt from all other requirements and regulations regularly placed on Laguna Beach businesses. Should Prop. 64 pass as well (legalizing the sale of recreational marijuana in California) measure KK is a backdoor for out-of-towners to open retail pot shops in our city. The people behind this draft legislation are completely abusing the ballot measure process to ensure that they and they alone will be able to sell marijuana with almost no oversight by city government, including typical oversight that would apply to any business in our town. In other words, a retail pot shop will have less regulation imposed on it than a taco stand.

If you are buckling under the influx of 6 million tourists a year and the traffic and congestion they bring, just imagine what happens when the only two retail pot shops in all of South Orange County reside in the village.

Laguna Beach is already under siege from outside interests including short-term rental conglomerates and national, multi-location sober living and detox facilities. Do not allow the out-of-towners in the recreational marijuana industry to add their influence to this list. Vote no on KK.


Steve Goldstein, Laguna Beach

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  1. What matters is people who are dying of cancer and AIDS have safe acess to their medical cannabis. This article is what is under siege mis information. Maybe a professional outside business that knows how to legally run a medical dispensary is what is needed.

  2. I agree with Chris. I thought I lived in a free country and in an open-minded and caring town. But the existing dispensary ban says otherwise. If the new measure says tense new dispensaries will be regulated less than a taco stand, then consider that maybe our city over-regulates taco stands. I’m much more interested in people being able to access their medicine safely and locally than I am concerned about who runs the business and whether it is subject to extra regulations beyond what exists at the State or county level. Please do the compassionate thing and vote yes on KK.


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