A Defining Moment for Rohrabacher



As many of my Laguna friends know, I am a former political fund-raiser and campaign management consultant.  That said, I know the difference between a distraction and a disaster.  Too bad Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, our local member of Congress, doesn’t.

Based on my experience, you don’t call in your team of advisors and release a video at midnight in order to tamp down a little problem.  No, you do this when a total meltdown is about to occur.

I wonder who Rohrabacher consulted before denouncing House Speaker Paul Ryan as “cowardly” for no longer defending the GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.  Maybe it was former Speaker Newt Gingrich, one of The Donald’s surrogates on the campaign trail.

Trump may be a lot of things to his supporters, but here’s the one thing he never counted on: When push comes to shove, the American people know the difference between right and wrong. In the wake of Trump’s lewd comments about women, it’s clear who he truly is.  It really is sad that Rohrabacher doesn’t get it.

The congressman and I are old enough to remember when Richard Nixon told reporters, “People have a right to know if their president is a crook. Well, I’m not a crook.”  I wonder if The Donald ever will say, “The people have a right to know if their (possible) president is a sleaze.  Well, I’m not a sleaze.”

Trouble is Nixon turned out to be a crook.  I leave it to Rohrabacher to draw his own conclusion about Trump being a sleaze or not.


Denny Freidenrich, Laguna Beach

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  1. Even before the traitorous Dana Rorbacher met with the Taliban’s Foreign Minister in Quatar in 2001, which many American Government officials considered breaking the Logan Act( citizens negotiating with foreign governments), Taliban Dan has never been the most ethical, or honorable congressman. He is a blight on Orange County!

    I can easily understand his backing of the Bigoted, misogynist, xenophobe, etc. Donald Trump, and calling anyone who doesn’t back his ethical equal a “coward”. BIGOTS of a feather flock together! That is all they know.

  2. The Mayor of Laguna Beach, Steve Dicterow, is a paid staff member of Dana Rorhabacher at $25,000 plus per year. Perhaps Mayor Dicterow could answer Denny Freidenrich’s question as to which consultant they used?


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