Let the Audience Decide



Because KX 93.5 station manager Tyler Russell promised us non-profit “community radio,” I’ve volunteered for repeat appearances on the “Coast Highway Shuffle,” “Inner Journey” and “Laguna Round Table” programs.

Instead, Russell recently made local taxpayer subsidized KX 93.5 a platform for espousing personal ideological bias.  Let’s hope it was a one-time mistake.

Russell abandoned live radio to publish a “letter to the editor” on an on-line community news blog, ineffectually defending the station’s clumsy interjection of toxic national party politics into local elections for non-partisan school board seats.  His strident editorial “highlights” on my KX 93.5 interview as a school board candidate assume readers can’t judge program content for themselves.

Why would a radio station manager pursue the on-line news blog audience, presuming uncritical acceptance of political spin on my interview, instead of encouraging that readers listen to the program?  In contrast, I urged people listen to the interview, which is also posted unedited on my campaign website.

The painful truth Russell had to face is that a local on-line news blog reaches far beyond the small KX 93.5 audience.  So he switched from radio to on-line editorial writing, using his position as station manager to influence local elections. Not exactly what “community radio” is about.

The real reason Russell didn’t direct readers to the podcast is that his false narrative misleads the audience to believe I challenged the premise of a visiting Laguna Round Table co-host’s questions about common core curriculum in schools.  The unedited program proves I answered the common core question authoritatively, since it was within scope of interview topic.

It was when the co-host tried to impose an intolerant political party and even religious litmus test in a school board race that I refused to be bullied.  Especially since this inept “cub reporter” had not pulled the same cheap stunt on the only other candidate who showed up for the interview.

Amateurish questions revealed co-host was not a professional journalist, so I interviewed him about his political agenda instead.  Listen and decide if it was me or the co-host who became “frustrated” and could not “effectively answer.”

Russell says he wants voters to see how I handle myself on live media.  To watch me dealing with a real journalist on live national media (NBC’s “Today Show,” go to LBStudentsFirst.com, “Videos.”

Howard Hills, Laguna Beach

The author is a school board candidate. 

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  1. I noticed in another letter that Michele Monda, was mentioned
    as secretary of Laguna Beach Republicans.

    Howard should also mention he is a past President of the Laguna Beach Republicans, is a currently and/or previously paid lapdog for the Traitorous Taliban Dana Rohrbacher, and is an obedient dog for Republican dogma. He also writes the current Republican Candidate speaks, belittleing those he doesn’t agree with.

    Does Howard have the temperament and morals to put Laguna Beach’s interests over those of his party, who routinely put party interests over the interests of the country. They have even now let it be known they will obstruct and impeach Clinton if she is elected, refuse to have hearings for the Supreme Court( a constitutional Duty), and a Presidential candidate the has the chutzpah to say the American election is
    rigged. It is a party of “cry babies” in adult bodies, with third grade
    intellect( an investigated analysis of the words in Donald’s speeches to his acolytes).

    Howard is a loyal Repubican soldier, and does as party dogma dictates.

    BEWARE of the Republican in non-partisan(LOL) clothing!

  2. Well put, Eli. Belittling those he doesn’t agree with and making himself out to be the hero in any situation is a Howard – and a Republican – trademark. Be ready for loads of nasty, ugly, mean-spirited, and loony, untrue remarks before and after the election. I doubt he will be a gracious loser and will continue to dog the school board with his long-winded, circuitous, nonsensical diatribes. If you haven’t googled my name and his together, you should, to find out about the deep corruption that is a big part of his past. Howard Hill in fact is not even licensed to practice law at the moment, unless you happen to be in Guam.

  3. Howard:

    Would you post a reply to this comment containing a link to Tyler Russell’s “letter to the editor” on an on-line community news blog? Without access to that item, it’s difficult to know the full story.

    Many thanks!

  4. By this logic current and former Republicans are disqualified from running for nonpartisan offices. Clearly the authors of these comments are far more regimented and obedient to the political party with which they are affiliated that I have ever been to any political party. I have been a Democrat and Independent more years of my life than I have been a Republican, which shows I adapt my partisan politics to my own individual positions on issues, currently including national security and government debt.

    By deep corruption, do you mean two letters of “full exoneration” from the prosecutors in the Abramoff case, withdrawal of false allegations by the office of Attorney General in Guam by motion of the government prosecutors? That doesn’t happen except to people who were victims of fraud and falsely accused. Read the Indy article of April 29, 2016: “After a reputation bruising two year ordeal, prosecutors concluded Hills had been wrongly indicted for undue influence, and all charges against him and co-defendants were tossed out…Guam Assistant Attorney General said Hills was not involved in the conspiracy…”

    What the Indy failed to report is that the co-defendants had to pay $324,000 in restitution, Howard Hills was the only person accused who was proven innocent and not subject to any further charges, fines restitution arising from the case or penalties of any kind. It was a local case in Guam, not a federal case. I was never the target or a person of interest to federal authorities, who determined I was a victim of fraud not an accomplice.

    You simply have made yourself an accomplice. No wonder you are afraid to use your name!


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