Dry Art Walk Further Degrades an Art Colony’s Soul



No red wine on weeknights? Okay, so now our galleries are under yet another set of over-bearing rules! Undercover cops patrolling Art Walk to bust gallery owners and their employees for serving wine to art walkers. Sounds absurd, but this is happening in our so-called art colony.

What has happened to this town? Every year we are faced with new and far-reaching rules that are being forced down our throats and govern how we are to behave, how we can act, where we can stand, not stand, what to drink, etc. Where is this going to end? Where do we, the citizens of this once eclectic, rule-breaking, forward-thinking community make a stand against this overreach?

Art galleries have always served wine at their openings. Whether two buck Chuck or something more exotic, it is tradition! It is part of the fabric of an art reception. It is a physical part of and celebratory extension of enjoying art and the creative process and community. How much more regulation are we to tolerate before we push back on such inane rules?

Our soul as an art community will continue to degrade further every year until all we will be left with a vacuous hole where once stood an interesting, vibrant, joyful place full of people willing and able to give a middle finger to such lame rules. Law enforcement has better things to do then cite people for having a glass of wine! Damn it!

Let’s all drink wine on Dec. 1 and let the PD and the City Council know that enough is enough!

Jorg Dubin, Laguna Beach

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  1. Jorge,

    Being and artist as you well know is all about fun.

    Being and investor or a gallery owner is all about the other side.
    Let the gallery owners and investors worry about the legal obscurity and just have fun and be creative.

    Everyone knows art is a pleasant experience with or with out libations.


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