Hope for the Future


This letter is addressed to columnist James Utt:

Thank you for continuing to teach. Your column gives hope. By sharing your past personal experience, being raised in an environment where you were bred to glorify prejudice, intolerance toward those different or less fortunate, you have taught us radical change is possible.

You are clearly a person who woke up, looked around at your fellow man, the world we live in and formed your own opinions.

You teach us compassion and respect for our fellow man and love of this place we are so fortunate to live in. It is my greatest hope that other people young and old will wake up from the slumber that led us to leadership that is extreme and glorifies intolerance.

May teachers everywhere provoke us to evaluate our personal philosophy and to speak up, protest and at the very least vote.

Thank you again Mr. Utt, please keep teaching.

Susan Jacob, Laguna Beach

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