Film Producer’s Episodes Premiere on Discovery Channel


Of 17 episodes scheduled for “Shark Week” on the Discovery Channel beginning Sunday, July 23, local Marc Ostrick produced two of them and directed a third with Radley Studios.

Ostrick says he’s at work on another Shark Week episode next year for the 30th anniversary of the show.

“Shark Vortex,” scheduled for 8 p.m. Monday, July 24, follows Greg Skomal and Joe Romeiro, who study the annual summer spectacle when the Gulf Stream pushes north into the waters of southern New England, bringing with it 30 species of shark. They focus on three sharks, makos, great whites, and porbeagles, says Ostrick.

His Ostrick Productions directed or produced other shows on other shark species for National Geographic and Discovery in 2016.

Local television producer Marc Ostrick on location.

Locally, he continues to work on media initiatives for MacGillivray Freeman films. His work includes producing Fabien Cousteau’s Mission 31 project and a 2008 campaign video for presidential candidate Barak Obama.

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A juvenile Smalltooth Sawfish about three weeks old and captured in the Charlotte Harbor Estuary in Florida. Photo by Marc Ostrick

In In his “Lair of the Sawfish” episode, at 10 p.m. Friday, July 28, experts unravel the mystery behind one of the sea’s strangest creatures, the sawfish, from its evolutionary links to sharks and rays, to its key role in the marine ecosystem. Their goal is to bring the sawfish back from the brink of extinction, says the cable channel website.




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