Healthy Tree is no Threat



This letter was also addressed to City Council members.

I am writing to you today about the beautiful street tree at the top of Myrtle and High Drive. This tree is a beautiful specimen of Ironbark eucalyptus. It is a healthy, blossoming, mature tree, which never caused anyone any concern until a new homeowner from out of our neighborhood bought the home on which the tree resides.

This is a classic case of moving to our famous and treasured “Tree Street” neighborhood and then wanting to cut the trees down!

The mature trees, which grace our neighborhood, add considerable value and character to our homes and to the city of Laguna Beach. Please do not pander to the scaremongering and paid consultants that identify a healthy and beautiful tree as a “dangerous!”

I believe the timing of this hearing is also especially harmful, as many people who care for trees are gone or busy with the holidays.

I ask that we stand up against the out of town people who look to permanently destroy the character that we love in Laguna. These individuals use the idea of insurance to promote a denuded and destroyed Laguna Beach. No one is going to guarantee that a large tree may not fall, nor will they guarantee that a great white shark may not bite you, nor will they guarantee that shifting sands may produce a rock that could hurt you while swimming, nor can anyone guarantee that you are immune from any calamity in this life! But we must come to peace that we live in a beautiful world that may have danger but also great poetry and not succumb to a world where we think we are safer by destroying all that is beautiful.

Even after the terrible storms of last winter, the tree was fine and continued to blossom beautifully!

Do not take down that beautiful tree! Over 12 mature street trees have been taken down in the last two years! Please stop the destruction.

Amy Jackson, Laguna Beach


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